Pour ses lampes "Trash Me", le designer new-yorkais Victor Vetterlein réutilise de vieux emballages d'oeufs. Détrempé, moulé puis séché, le carton ainsi recyclé donne forme au corps des luminaires, suspension et lampe de bureau. Constituées de deux coques unies par quelques vis métalliques, ces créations sont recyclées et recyclables. Pour une meilleure stabilité, le pied de la lampe de bureau est rempli de graines pour oiseaux.

Sur les lapes "Trash Me", Victor Vetterlein précise:

"The intent of the ‘Trash Me’ lamps project is to create a product that is born from the trash and returned to the trash after a short but useful life cycle. The concept word for the Trash Me lamps design is transient.

Each Trash Me lamp is created from four paper egg cartons, blended with water, poured over a mold, and smoothed by hand to form a section.  After drying for a few days, the sections are fastened together with aluminum screw posts.  A cloth electrical cord with recyclable electrical fixture parts is used for the lighting. For the Trash Me desk lamp, a paper bag filled with bird seed provides added weight to stabilize the base.

At the end of its life, the Trash Me lamp can be quickly dissembled and the parts reused or recycled back into the trash to be born again as something as new."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Victor Vetterlein.

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