Designer hongroise basée à Budapest, Melinda Molnar a créé cette chaise en matériaux recyclés pendant ses études. Redonnant une seconde vie à un cadre de chaise abandonné, elle l'a garni de petites pièces de cuir recyclées, découpées et  liées les unes aux autres pour donner forme à l'assise et au dossier.

Sur ce projet, Melinda Molnar précise:

"Klaus was a university project. All students received a broken iron corpse of an old school chair that had been thrown out. We had four weeks to create a chair that could support our own body on the frame given. My chair, Klaus, had been straightened, sandblasted, spray painted, cut 5cm from height and then covered with hand-cut pieces of cow leather.  The geometry of the cow leather pieces came from the different shapes and sizes of the waste leather pieces i could get- i had to find a basic shape the biggest possible."

Pour en savoir plus, découvrez le portfolio de Melinda Monar.

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